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We recently transplanted 44 indeterminate tomatoes down at PIE inside the fenced in area, each plant getting a large hole dug for it before getting filled with compost dirt. Zach, Kyle and Kelsey are shown above in the picture transplanting and building clay rings around each plant to help hold in water. So, what does Indeterminate or Determinate mean when talking about tomatoes (or other veggies)? --> DETERMINATE tomatoes (some Roma, Better Bush, Early Girl, Celebrity, Defiant, Rutgers... plus lots more!) have 1 big harvest and then the plant begins dying back. So, if you have Determinate tomatoes in your garden, you should just expect 1 big delicious harvest and then it will be time to pull out the plants and begin your next crop in that space. Determinates are usually smaller and can be grown in pots even. They also tend to be more 'bush' like and therefore don't always require a cage around them. Determinate tomatoes DO NOT need pruned, as you want to allow as many opportunities for fruiting as possible. -->INDETERMINATE tomatoes (Beefmaster, Big Boy, Black Cherry, some Roma, Brandywine, Yellow Pear, Grape... plus more!) will continue to produce as long as you keep picking the fruit! You can conceivably harvest off an ID tomato for 2 months or so if continuously harvested. ID's tend to be more vine like and sometimes would even like to be pruned to help their growth. ID's can produce until frost if happy! ID's will definitely need staked/caged as they will grow very big from such a long growing season.

Whether you choose D or ID doesn't matter much... it just changes the way you care for your plant and how much produce your plants will grow. Make sure to check out your specific type of tomato, so you understand what you need to do to give it the best chance to produce the most fruit it can! We have chosen to grow mainly ID tomatoes, so that we will have the opportunity to grow as much food for people as we can this season! But, we also are growing plenty of D tomatoes as well. So, check your variety and happy growing!

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PLAN-IT! Earth Gardens

ARkansas grown since 2013!

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