After the rains in the morning, Kyle and I begin lining up and filling some raised beds down at Plan-It! Earth. We were given the raised beds a few years back, but until recently we never had them filled. All that changed during this last 'Friday project day!' We began by weed wacking down the remaining mustards and the clover cover crop. We left the large healthy garlics, some sunflowers and a few tiny California poppies, hand weeding around them afterward. We then decided to lay down a double layer of cardboard (with all tape removed first) to block all weeds from penetrating into our new dirt. We left a 4 inch excess around the edge to further ensure no weeds enter. Kyle shaped the cardboard so that the garlic and other plants could still poke through and ultimately remain un-affected by the new soil. (We planted the garlic in the middle of the rows to help deter pests!) The cardboard will also slow down water loss for several weeks, helping hold some of the moisture in the soil for all the new transplants and seedlings that will be getting planted soon!
By the end of the day, we had lined up and filled 15 raised beds! (We still have 9 more raised beds to fill to fully complete the row! Hopefully, on one of our next 'Friday project days'!)
Things are lookin' gooooood down at Earth!!