Down at Plan-It! Earth we try to plant perennials whenever possible. By planting more perennial plants, we are increasing plausible food sources without the chore of replanting them every season (like most vegetables.) One of these perennials that we have growing is Strawberries. We we given several trays of strawberries a few season back (thank you Cindy and Grady!) Each season, so far, we have plucked out the flowers from our little strawberry plants stopping them from producing their delicious fruits. WHY? Because, by stopping the plant's energy from going into fruit production, the plant instead expends that same energy on sending out 'sisters' (aka runners). From us doing this for a few seasons now, we have never gotten any fruit from our plants, BUT now we have a LARGE STRAWBERRY PATCH instead of just a few plants! So, if you end up with some strawberry plants and can wait a season, pluck off the flowers and watch the little runners spread out and create a patch for you to harvest from next season!