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[340]   "Maniacal Doorway"

[340] "Maniacal Doorway"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) The lighting & the angle make this look & feel like a comic book cover. Definitely my favorite photo in this series!

[341]   "Keep Out"

[341] "Keep Out"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) The words 'Keep Out' can just barely be seen handwritten on the small window pane to the left. The (seemingly) lighted doorways spilling out into the darkest of hallways is especially creepy.

[342]   "Turquoise"

[342] "Turquoise"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) The flaking lead paint piled under doors & beneath the walls... creating great color & textures.

[343]   "Doors Open, Come On In"

[343] "Doors Open, Come On In"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) The late afternoon sun was at the perfect spot to creat these great shadows.

[344]  "Sun Beamin' & Screamin"

[344] "Sun Beamin' & Screamin"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) Look at all the lead paint chips covering the floor!

[345]   "Sun Lit Hallway"

[345] "Sun Lit Hallway"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) So, as I'm wandering around this place... my friend & Barley are outside playing fetch & running around the grassy area that was between the abandoned hospital & the newer hospital (still active.) This was part of our 'plan' ...for them to run around where it was LEGAL to be & continuously move about... since we had already all been seen together, they kept playing fetch all over the hospital grounds, making it harder to notice that 1 of us suddenly had disappeared.

[346]   "Flee"

[346] "Flee"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) Looking out from the 2nd floor, down to the paved circle drive below. It was sometime around this photo, that I realized I didn't remember which way I came from... & since almost everywhere looked the same (and was dark) was about now that I started worrying about getting caught, trapped or even left (with my dog & all my gear!)

[347] "Watch out for that 1st step!"

[347] "Watch out for that 1st step!"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) This was one of the recurring problems I faced when I discovered I didn't remember how to get out... stairs were torn out & missing & there were only a few ways up/down. But, some doors were locked & some places unpassable.

[348]  "Yellow Lead Paint Fury"

[348] "Yellow Lead Paint Fury"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012)

[349]   "Window Checker"

[349] "Window Checker"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) Observation windows earn no fun points!

[350]   "Outlet for Your Insanity"

[350] "Outlet for Your Insanity"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) We all need an outlet to keep our sanity... Why not have another to help release our insanity too?

[351]   "Ceramic Screams"

[351] "Ceramic Screams"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012) I couldn't tell what any of the implements or mechanical devices were used for, this one is made of ceramic... maybe it's a crazy person toilet?

[352]   "Long Gone"

[352] "Long Gone"

(Milledgeville, GA - 2012)

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2012:  Abandoned
Mental Hospital
Central State Hospital - Milledgeville (GA)
I was told about a huge 2 story abandoned mental institute the 1st time I passed through Milledgeville in 2011. Though when I was told about it, the guy telling me also told me that 'everyone' that went inside got busted & to 'not waste my time!' 
I spent several days trying to find someone to help me get inside so I could take photos. After a week, I finally met someone that agreed to drive me to the abandoned hospital ...but he didn't want to go in.

To make matters worse, when we got there I realized that a newer mental hospital had been built nearby & they had security guards that patrolled the ENTIRE grounds ...& the windows were barred shut. ...
But, I was determined.

I ninja'd past  the guards & managed to find a way in. I began taking photos & exploring hallways, medical rooms,  patient's quarters, offices, the kitchen... suddenly I realized... I had no idea where the tiny opening that I had came through was!


[353]   "Beauty-a-Brewin"

[353] "Beauty-a-Brewin"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Looking across the mountain top lake, storm clouds roll over top, drawing nearer to us as we continue to explore the 'rocky terrain...

Packed & ready!

Packed & ready!

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Barley has HIS OWN pack that he wears on outings like this. (He gets so excited when I put it on him!) He mainly carries all the heavy rocks I find that I don't want to carry... Hahahaha! Just Kidding. His pack only has some food, treats & water for him in it.

[354]    "Loni VS. The Rockies"

[354] "Loni VS. The Rockies"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) After hitch hiking across the country, we finally found where the road ended & the mountains began. We began exploring, the only way we knew how...

[355]   "Storm in the Valley"

[355] "Storm in the Valley"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A decent sized storm jumps from mountaintop to mountaintop. The overcast sunlight diffused onto the pine trees, making their colors pop among the patches of shadows from the clouds overhead.

[356]"Pines reachin' for the clouds"

[356]"Pines reachin' for the clouds"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Pine trees stretching upward to grab passing sunlight, as shadows from the clouds roll over the lands.

[357]   "Splash of Colors"

[357] "Splash of Colors"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) North facing stone faces, collected & grew the most moss & lichen. The variety of colors caused me to stop on multiple occasions to check out the colorful textures,

[358]   "Reflected Serenity"

[358] "Reflected Serenity"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Such calmness in nature ...wordless love is spoken here freely by all.

[359]   "Trail Onward"

[359] "Trail Onward"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012)

[360]  "Mountain Shore"

[360] "Mountain Shore"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012)

[361]   "Rocky Trail"

[361] "Rocky Trail"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) The trail, like the mountains themselves, are strewn with bits of Rocky debris. The first trees to change into their autumn colors have begun to turn, adding brightness around the mountaintop.

[362] "Pine Trees Forever"

[362] "Pine Trees Forever"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) About 90% of the trees seen on the Rockies, seem to be Pine trees, Cedar, & other types of evergreen & coniferous plants.

[363]  "Channel Downward"

[363] "Channel Downward"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A rocky chute channels extra lake water down the mountain, bringing life giving water to other parts of the forest.

[364]   "Reflectum"

[364] "Reflectum"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012)

[365]   "Hippo Rock"

[365] "Hippo Rock"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A great meditation rock when we found it, looking back now & seeing it resemble a hippopotamus's head makes me even happier!

[366]   "Hippo Rock (II)"

[366] "Hippo Rock (II)"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012)

[367]    "Dancing Underfoot"

[367] "Dancing Underfoot"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Little red plants dance underfoot of the coniferous's, only stopping once my camera was around...

[368]   "Red Star"

[368] "Red Star"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Such brilliance dotted the landscape, adding colorful flare to the mountainside's otherwise dark & subdued earthen colors.

[369]  "Tree with a View"

[369] "Tree with a View"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012)



(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) Puffy, popping clouds & wavy, windblown lakewater move never-endingly as the unflinching ancient mountains stand their ground, watching the forest play beneath them.

[371]   "Root Down"

[371] "Root Down"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A gnarled Cedar tree's roots grabbing the rocky earth, long after the tree itself has all but died off, the wooden tentacles still hold the large tree somewhat upright after all these years.

[372]   "Mountaintop Blaze"

[372] "Mountaintop Blaze"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A small bush begins it's beautiful autumn color transformation, perched on the edge of a mountaintop, hoping the other mountains will see it in it's final beautiful stage of the season.

[373] "2 Bicyclists Racing Down"

[373] "2 Bicyclists Racing Down"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) 2 bicyclists cruised by as rain clouds began drawing nearer, the view of the ride far outweighing the threat of getting soaked from the rain... my thoughts exactly.

[374]   "Falling Summer Spring"

[374] "Falling Summer Spring"

(Rocky Mountains, CO - 2012) A spring splashes down the rocks, filling the forest with the sounds of life water.

2012: Rockies

Colorado Rockies 

Thumb's out, in the open air of the loneliest section of western Kansas, we began singing to passing vehicles who sped by...|

"...Why ya' gonna call it a PICKUP TRUCK... if you ain't gonna stop & PICK US UP!?"  
(Hahaha!  You have to find something to giggle about while hitch hiking. I commonly sing about all the cars that could have stopped for us, how their cars are entirely too empty & that we don't stink near as bad as they might imagine... maybe just a little.)

Eventually, reaching our destination, we began exploring the Rocky mountainside. Exploring it's terrain, splashing in it's waters & watching in awe as the life giving rain clouds drew nearer, undeterring us from our mission to investigate the lands...

© 2015 Starving Iguanas

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